Cardinal Bar, Madison

When I was in college in the late 1970s, I worked as a cook at the Cardinal Bar in Madison, Wisconsin. This was a hybrid bar that reflected the complex identity of the owner, Ricardo Gonzalez, who had immigrated from Cuba with his parents when he was a child. He also hosted a local radio program devoted to Latin music. On Thursday nights we had salsa night with a paella dinner and flan (I proudly modified Ricardo's mother's recipe). On Saturday nights, it was a queer disco, followed by a Sunday brunch at which mimosas and my signature cheesecake were served. I have rarely felt the sense of community (or I should say communities) that I felt at the Cardinal bar - it was a go to place to catch up with friends, dance to the latest salsa hits from New York City, enjoy a queer liberated zone. - Catherine B


Backstreet, Atlanta